Understanding Apache Flink: Structure, Applications, and Advantages

Apache Flink has firmly established itself as a robust open-source stream processing framework, capturing the attention of the big data community. By facilitating the real-time processing and analysis of vast streaming data volumes, Apache Flink has become a cornerstone of modern applications such as fraud detection, stock market analysis, and machine learning.

This article delves deep into Apache Flink's architecture, explores its diverse use cases, and highlights the benefits it offers for contemporary businesses.

Modern Big Data Architecture

Big data is a reality that businesses must contend with to gain actionable insights and drive decision-making processes. Therefore, a modern big data ecosystem is indispensable.

A typical big data ecosystem encompasses hardware, software, and services all working in tandem to process and analyze large data volumes. The ultimate objective is to empower businesses to make faster, more informed decisions that positively impact their bottom line.

Several components are essential for a thriving big data ecosystem:

  • Data Variety: Ingestion and output of different data types from various sources, including structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data.
  • Velocity: Rapid ingestion and processing of data in real-time.
  • Volume: Scalable storage and processing of large data volumes.
  • Cheap Raw Storage: Economical storage of data in its original form.
  • Flexible Processing: Ability to run various processing engines on the same data.
  • Support for Streaming Analytics: Provision of low latency to process real-time data streams almost instantaneously.
  • Support for Modern Applications: Enabling new types of applications like BI tools, machine learning systems, and log analysis that require fast, flexible data processing.

Batch Processing vs. Stream Processing

What is Batch Processing?

Batch processing involves collecting data and running it through tasks in batches. The process consists of multiple steps, from data collection to sorting, and typically, data is stored for future use post-processing.

Although batch processing has been prevalent for decades, it is not ideal for real-time applications demanding near-instantaneous results.

What is Stream Processing?

Stream processing, unlike batch processing, deals with continuous, real-time data streams. In this paradigm, data is analyzed and processed as it flows, providing results almost immediately.

This stands in stark contrast to batch processing, where data is first stored and then processed in discrete batches.

Stream processing offers several advantages over batch processing:

  • Lower Latency: Stream processors deal with data in near-real-time, reducing overall latency and offering unique use cases that require real-time checks.
  • Flexibility: Stream processing is highly flexible, accommodating various data types, formats, and end applications. It can also handle changes to data sources seamlessly.
  • Cost-Effective: Handling a continuous data flow removes the need to store data before processing, reducing overall costs.

Stream Processing Tools

Several stream processing tools are available, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. Popular stream processing frameworks include:

  • Apache Storm
  • Apache Samza
  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Flink

In this article, we will focus on the Apache Flink framework.

Introduction to Apache Flink

Apache Flink is an open-source stream processing framework and distributed processing engine from the Apache Software Foundation. It was designed to leverage the strengths of both batch and stream processing, empowering developers to create applications that handle real-time and historical data within the same system.

Flink excels in processing both bounded and unbounded data streams:

Bounded Data Streams

Bounded data streams have a defined beginning and end and can be processed in one batch job or multiple parallel jobs. Flink's DataSet API is used to manage such streams, processing data already present and known ahead of time, like a customer database or log files.

Unbounded Data Streams

Unbounded data streams are infinite and continuously receive new elements that need immediate processing. Flink's DataStream API enables real-time processing of these streams, allowing users to write applications that manage ongoing data influxes.

Apache Flink Architecture and Key Components

Apache Flink operates on a distributed dataflow engine without its own storage layer. Instead, it integrates external storage systems like HDFS, S3, HBase, Kafka, Apache Flume, Cassandra, and RDBMS through connectors, enabling it to process data from any source on any scale.

Key architectural components of Flink include:

  • Flink-runtime: Core runtime layer providing distributed processing, fault tolerance, reliability, and iterative processing.
  • Flink-client: Manages user interactions with Flink jobs.
  • Flink-web UI: Web interface for monitoring Flink jobs and clusters.
  • Flink-distributed shell: Enables shell interactions in a distributed environment.
  • Flink-container: Manages deployment and execution of Flink applications.

Flink can be deployed in local mode for testing and development or in a distributed manner for production. It integrates with resource managers like YARN, Mesos, Docker, Kubernetes, or can run in standalone mode.

At its core, Apache Flink relies on a master/slave architecture featuring JobManager and TaskManagers. The JobManager orchestrates job scheduling, resource allocation, and management, while TaskManagers execute user-defined functions across cluster nodes.

Apache Flink Ecosystem

Flink boasts a comprehensive ecosystem that includes various tools and libraries:

  • DataSet API: Core API for batch processing, supporting operations like map, reduce, join, co-group, and iterate.
  • DataStream API: Handles streaming data, allowing arbitrary operations on events, including windowing and record-at-a-time transformations.
  • Complex Event Processing (CEP): Enables pattern recognition in data streams using regular expressions or state machines, ideal for applications like rule-based alerting and fraud detection.
  • SQL & Table API: Facilitates relational queries for both stream and batch processing, allowing easy data manipulation through SQL queries and Table APIs.
  • Gelly: Graph processing and analysis library running on top of the DataSet API, offering built-in algorithms and a Graph API for custom implementations.
  • FlinkML: Library of distributed machine learning algorithms, providing support for both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques and integration with deep learning frameworks.

Key Use Cases for Apache Flink

Apache Flink's versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications:

Event-Driven Applications

Flink excels in event-driven applications that access data locally for enhanced throughput and latency. It supports stateful applications that react to incoming events with computations, state updates, or external actions, making it ideal for fraud detection, anomaly detection, and business process monitoring.

Continuous Data Pipelines

Flink's capability to handle continuous data streams allows it to replace periodic ETL jobs with real-time data transformation and enrichment, facilitating smooth data movement between storage systems.

Real-Time Data Analytics

Flink’s low processing latencies make it perfect for real-time analytics, enabling immediate action or alerting based on live data. Its applications include customer experience monitoring, large-scale graph analysis, and network intrusion detection.

Machine Learning

FlinkML's distributed machine learning algorithms streamline the training of models on large datasets, enabling quick deployment of AI solutions. It also supports integration with deep learning frameworks for advanced machine learning applications.

Graph Processing

Gelly's graph processing capabilities provide robust analysis and computation on graph data, supporting applications requiring complex network analysis and insights.

Advantages of Using Apache Flink

Apache Flink offers several benefits that have contributed to its growing popularity:

  • Stateful Stream Processing: Flink supports distributed computations over continuous data streams, enabling complex event processing and analytics.
  • Stream and Batch Processing: It adeptly manages both streaming and batch data, making it versatile for various applications.
  • Scalability: Flink scales effortlessly to thousands of nodes, maintaining low latency and high throughput.
  • API Support: Provides APIs for Java and Scala, facilitating the development of streaming applications.
  • Fault Tolerance: Built on the Akka actor system, Flink offers inherent fault tolerance, ensuring high availability for critical applications.
  • Low Latency and High Throughput: Ideal for real-time analytics, Flink processes data rapidly with high throughput.
  • Flexible Data Formats: Supports various data formats like CSV, JSON, Apache Parquet, and Apache Avro.
  • Optimization: Features multiple built-in query optimizations, including pipelining and data fusion, to enhance computational efficiency.
  • Flexible Deployment: Compatible with YARN, Mesos, Docker, Kubernetes, and standalone clusters, offering versatile deployment options.

Limitations of Apache Flink

Despite its numerous advantages, Apache Flink has some limitations:

  • Steep Learning Curve: Its extensive features and capabilities can overwhelm new users.
  • Project Maturity and Community Size: While gaining popularity, Flink isn't as well-known as some competitors, and its community is smaller.
  • Limited API Support: Currently supports only Java and Scala APIs, necessitating external libraries or wrappers for other languages.
  • Basic Machine Learning Support: While it supports machine learning, its capabilities are limited compared to more comprehensive frameworks.

Apache Flink in the Big Data Infrastructure Stack

As part of the big data ecosystem, Flink focuses solely on computation and not storage. It typically works alongside technologies like Apache Kafka for event logging and systems like HDFS or other databases for storage, providing comprehensive solutions for data processing and analytics.

Adoption of Apache Flink

Leading companies such as Amadeus, Capital One, Netflix, eBay, Lyft, Uber, and Zalando use Apache Flink, showcasing its versatility across different industries and use cases.

Apache Flink as a Fully-Managed Service

Flink can be implemented independently or as a fully-managed service. Managed services, including Amazon EMR, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, Google Cloud Dataproc, Microsoft Azure HDInsight, and the Ververica Platform, provide the necessary infrastructure for Flink, supporting provisioning resources, parallel computation, automatic scaling, and application backups.


Apache Flink stands out as a powerful distributed processing system for stateful computations. Its ability to process both batch and streaming data in a fault-tolerant manner, coupled with its speed and scalability, makes it an attractive option for a wide range of applications.

If you seek a robust, low-latency streaming engine capable of handling diverse workloads, Apache Flink is well worth considering. For assistance with implementation, feel free to contact our team of experts for guidance and support.