How to Use Maple with Python: A Clear Guide

Maple is great at handling advanced math, and Python is the go-to tool for programming. By combining the two, you get the best of both worlds: Maple’s powerful math engine and Python’s flexibility. This guide will walk you through how to connect Maple with Python. We’ll keep it simple, clear, and to the point.

Why Bother Using Maple with Python?

Python is everywhere, but it’s not as good at symbolic math as Maple. Maple shines when you need to handle things like integrals, derivatives, or solving complex equations. If you’re already using Python, it makes sense to use Maple for its computational capabilities.

Step 1: Install Maple and Set Up the Python API

First things first, you need Maple installed on your system. Maple comes with a Python API, which allows you to connect Python to Maple’s engine.

Find the Maple Python API

Look for in the Maple installation folder. This file will let Python talk to Maple.

Set the Environment Variable

You need to tell Python where Maple is located by setting the MAPLE environment variable.

  • Linux/macOS: Add this line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:
  • export MAPLE=/opt/maple2023
  • Windows: Set it in your system’s environment variables.

Alternatively, set it directly in Python:

import os
os.environ['MAPLE'] = '/path/to/maple/installation'

Step 2: Start Using Maple in Python

Once Maple is installed, you can start running Maple commands directly from Python. Here's how to do it:

Example: Running Maple Commands

import maple

# Start a Maple session
maple_session = maple.StartMaple()

# Run a Maple command (find the integral of x^2)
result = maple_session('int(x^2, x)')

# Print the result
print(f"Maple Result: {result}")

# Stop the Maple session

What’s happening:

  • StartMaple() starts Maple’s engine.
  • maple_session() sends a command to Maple. In this case, it calculates the integral of x2x^2x2.
  • StopMaple() stops the session.

Step 3: Running Maple Scripts from Python

You can also run full Maple scripts, not just single commands. Below is an example script that defines a function, finds its derivative, and solves an equation:

# Define a function
f := x -> x^2 + 2*x + 1;

# Derivative of f
diff_f := diff(f(x), x);

# Solve f(x) = 0
solve(f(x) = 0, x);

Run the Script from Python

import maple

# Start a Maple session
maple_session = maple.StartMaple()

# Read the script file
with open('', 'r') as script:
   maple_code =

# Execute the Maple script
result = maple_session(maple_code)

# Print the result
print(f"Maple Script Result: {result}")

# Stop the session

This allows you to automate Maple’s powerful math functions right from Python. Simple and efficient.

Step 4: Python and Maple Together

Maple handles the heavy math lifting, and Python is perfect for everything else. Here’s an example where you combine both:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import maple

# Start a Maple session
maple_session = maple.StartMaple()

# Define a Maple function and its derivative
maple_session("f := x -> x^3 - 2*x^2 + 1; diff_f := diff(f(x), x);")
derivative = maple_session('diff_f')

# Create Python data points
x_vals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100)

# Evaluate Maple’s derivative in Python
y_vals = [eval(derivative.replace('x', str(x))) for x in x_vals]

# Plot the result
plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals, label='Derivative')

# Stop Maple session

You run symbolic math in Maple, then use Python to visualize the results. This kind of combo gives you the best of both worlds.

To summarize

Maple and Python working together is a smart move. Maple handles advanced math, while Python takes care of everything else. Here’s what you need to remember:

  • Set up the MAPLE environment variable to point to your Maple installation.
  • Start a Maple session using maple.StartMaple().
  • Run commands or full scripts in Maple from Python.
  • Stop the session when you’re done with maple.StopMaple().

With this setup, you’ll be able to use Maple’s math capabilities in your Python projects without a hitch. Simple, effective, and powerful.