Predictions Based on Designing Data-Intensive Applications

Explore the evolving landscape of data-intensive applications, uncover the convergence of data models, modern approaches to consistency, and new methods for handling Big Data efficiently.


Understanding how different databases function and selecting the right one for your needs is critical to building robust data-intensive applications. Martin Kleppmann's book, Designing Data-Intensive Applications, provides deep insights into the current tools, techniques, and emerging trends in data management.

Converging Data Models

Originally, the term "NoSQL" was conceived as "no-SQL" or "no-relational," implying a clear dichotomy between relational and non-relational databases. However, today's trend leans towards a more integrated approach, often expressed as "not only SQL." This shift reflects the growing interest in databases that offer multiple ways to access data.

For instance, document databases like RethinkDB have borrowed features from relational databases, such as table joins. SQL standards have evolved to include JSON support, which can be utilized in major databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL. This convergence blurs the lines between relational and non-relational databases, granting developers greater flexibility in data modeling.

A broader look at data-processing systems reveals similar trends. Messaging systems (e.g., Kafka) now offer durability guarantees comparable to databases, while some databases function as message queues (e.g., Redis). Apache Pulsar, though not featured in Kleppmann's book, exemplifies this dual capability by combining high-performance event streaming and traditional queueing.

For an in-depth exploration, consider reading this comprehensive article on storing JSON in PostgreSQL by Leigh Halliday.

Modern Approaches to Transactions and Consistency

As the "NoSQL" hype rose, many believed relational databases to be outdated, and eventual consistency became a norm. However, this mindset has shifted. Modern applications demand stronger consistency guarantees to avoid complex distributed programming issues.

Today, databases like Datomic and FaunaDB emphasize transactions and consistency. MongoDB's announcement of version 4 with "Multi-Document ACID Transactions" marks a significant step in this direction. New databases are designed to offer ACID guarantees without excessive coordination, using strategies like short, deterministic transactions executed in a single thread.

Researchers have also re-evaluated traditional concepts like the SQL standard's transaction isolation levels and the CAP theorem. Tools like Jepsen validate consistency guarantees, and open-source platforms expose findings, ensuring transparency and reliability. Martin Kleppmann's work and detailed transaction isolation tests reveal that even established relational databases may exhibit unexpected behaviors.

Innovations such as "serializable snapshot isolation" (implemented in PostgreSQL) address these issues without the performance drawbacks of traditional methods. This continuous evolution underscores the dynamic nature of database technology and its impact on practical applications.

For insights on consistency levels, read Martin Kleppmann's blog post "Please Stop Calling Databases CP or AP".

Alternatives to MapReduce for Big Data Processing

MapReduce, once synonymous with Big Data processing, has fallen out of favor due to its inefficiencies, primarily the overhead of storing intermediate results on disk. Google's transition away from MapReduce underscores the need for more advanced solutions.

Modern alternatives like Apache Spark and Apache Flink offer better-optimized frameworks for Big Data processing. These tools enhance performance by keeping more data in-memory and reducing the need for disk I/O, providing more agile and high-performance data processing capabilities.

Utilizing these platforms enables developers to handle Big Data workloads more effectively, aligning with contemporary needs for processing speed and efficiency.

Effective Handling of Derived Data

In complex systems, using a single kind of database often leads to performance bottlenecks. The book suggests leveraging multiple data systems, each optimized for specific access patterns, to achieve higher performance and scalability.

One recommended approach is to avoid using application code for updating various data stores, as it risks inconsistent views. Instead, tools like Kafka and Change Data Capture can streamline updates across multiple systems. Kafka's durability and ordering guarantees ensure consistency, even across diverse data stores.

This method facilitates microservices architecture by allowing services to maintain local databases kept up-to-date via Kafka updates. Consequently, services can quickly query local databases, improving responsiveness and performance. For a detailed example, refer to the presentation "The Database Unbundled: Commit Logs in an Age of Microservices".

Furthermore, this approach enhances schema evolution. By using Kafka logs to create new derived views, developers can experiment and incrementally migrate clients, avoiding the downtime associated with traditional migration processes.

Pushing State to the Client

Modern client-server applications face challenges similar to database replicas, including conflict resolution and outdated data views. A new trend is to push state updates directly to the client, ensuring real-time data synchronization.

Technologies like WebSocket, Server-Sent Events, and Redux-like engines enable this by maintaining an open communication channel and updating clients with basic data changes. This approach mirrors Kafka's Change Data Capture but applies it to the client side.

An example of this in practice is DeepArt Labs's use of MongoDB Change Streams to update their Angular-based web application in real-time, providing a superior user experience.

For more on state management in client applications, check out our post on ngrx.


The field of databases and data-intensive applications is continually evolving, driven by ongoing research and technological advancements. While relational databases remain fundamental, NoSQL databases are adopting stronger consistency guarantees, promising better performance and wider adoption.

Distributed log systems like Apache Kafka are revolutionizing data propagation and microservices architecture. New tools and features emerge, but a solid understanding of data systems principles remains crucial for selecting the appropriate solutions for specific projects.

For a comparison of Kafka with other Big Data architectures like Hadoop and Spark, visit this detailed comparison.

By exploring the convergence of data models, modern consistency approaches, and advanced Big Data processing methods, developers can build more efficient, responsive, and scalable applications that meet today's demanding requirements.