Aligning Event Based Systems with GDPR Regulations

Since its enforcement in May 2018, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has fundamentally changed how companies handle personal data. The regulation mandates that organizations must obtain explicit consent from users for processing and storing personal information, putting data control back into the hands of individuals. However, while the GDPR aims to enhance data protection, it also introduces technical challenges for systems that rely on permanent and tamper-proof data storage solutions, such as blockchain or immutable event stores.

Understanding GDPR: Key Takeaways

GDPR aims to unify data protection laws across the European Union (EU) and has inspired similar regulations in other countries like Japan and New Zealand. At its core, GDPR requires:

  • Explicit Consent: Companies must obtain clear and explicit permission from users to process their data.
  • Right of Access: Users have the right to access their personal data and receive it in a machine-readable format.
  • Right to Erasure: Also known as the "right to be forgotten," this allows users to request the deletion of their personal data.

These requirements aim to enhance transparency and control for individuals over their personal data, moving away from ambiguous consent practices like pre-ticked checkboxes and legal jargon-laden agreements.

Event Sourcing and its Role in Modern Systems

Event sourcing is a design pattern in software architecture where state changes are logged as a sequence of immutable events. Instead of updating the current state directly, each change is recorded as an event that can be replayed to reconstruct the state. For example, in a financial system, a money transfer would be recorded as an event, and the current balance would be derived from replaying all past transactions.

The core principles of event sourcing include:

  • Immutability: Events, once recorded, are never altered or deleted.
  • Reconstruction: The current state can always be reconstructed by replaying the event log.
  • Auditability: A complete history of changes is available, providing full transparency.

While event sourcing offers numerous benefits, its reliance on immutability poses challenges when it comes to complying with GDPR's right to erasure.

Reconciling GDPR with Event Sourcing

The "right to be forgotten" under Article 17 of GDPR requires the deletion of all personal data upon a user's request. This contradicts the immutability principle of event sourcing. Several approaches can help bridge this gap:


Pseudonymisation involves replacing personal identifiers with pseudonyms, which makes it challenging to link data to a specific individual without additional information. By decoupling sensitive attributes (like names, addresses, and identification numbers) from the event log and storing them in an external database that supports updates, organizations can comply with GDPR's erasure requirements while maintaining immutable event logs.

The pseudonym and non-sensitive data fields in the immutable store should be such that it's impossible to identify the data subject based on the pseudonym alone. Randomized identifiers such as GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) are suitable for this purpose.

However, this approach comes with drawbacks, including the need to link data across two systems and the potential loss of cryptographic security benefits in blockchain-based solutions. Despite these challenges, pseudonymisation aligns well with best practices for distributed ledger systems by avoiding the exposure of sensitive data.

Mutable Events

For architectures not based on immutable stores, such as those using databases like MongoDB that support updates, a more straightforward solution is to modify past events to remove protected information. This approach is practical for systems that do not rely heavily on replayability, where historical accuracy after data removal is not critical.

However, altering events can compromise one of the significant benefits of event sourcing—replayability. When rebuilding the current state from events after data removal, different results may arise, potentially affecting business rules that depend on personally identifiable information.

Additional Considerations and Best Practices

When designing systems that balance event sourcing with GDPR compliance, additional best practices and considerations include:

  • Data Minimization: Collect only the data necessary for your operations, reducing the risk and complexity of managing personal information.
  • Data Lifecycle Management: Implement policies for data retention and deletion that align with GDPR requirements, ensuring personal data is only kept as long as necessary.
  • Encryption: Use cryptographic techniques to protect personal data both in transit and at rest, adding an extra layer of security.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct periodic reviews of your data handling practices to identify and address potential compliance issues.
  • Training and Awareness: Educate your team on GDPR requirements and best practices for data protection to foster a culture of compliance.

Real-World Examples of GDPR Compliance in Event-Sourced Systems

Several organizations have successfully implemented event-sourced systems while adhering to GDPR requirements. Here are a few examples:

  • Online Retailers: By pseudonymizing customer data linked to purchase histories, online retailers can comply with GDPR while maintaining a detailed order history for analysis.
  • Financial Institutions: Banks and financial services use event sourcing to track transactions while encrypting sensitive customer information separately to ensure data erasure capabilities.
  • Healthcare Providers: Healthcare systems can employ pseudonymisation and secure key management to protect patient records while allowing the reconstruction of treatment history as needed.


Navigating the intersection of event sourcing and GDPR compliance is undoubtedly challenging. However, it also presents an opportunity to rethink how we handle personal data and enhance our data protection practices. By adopting strategies such as pseudonymisation and mutable events where appropriate, and by following additional best practices, organizations can strike a balance between maintaining data integrity and respecting user privacy.

Ultimately, the trust that users place in companies by sharing their personal data is invaluable. Ensuring robust data protection and compliance measures not only safeguards this trust but also fortifies the organization's reputation in a data-driven world.

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