Scrape Zoopla Listings for Free
In only three steps:
1. Specify Target URL
2. Click on Download
3. Data available in JSON, CSV, or EXCEL.
Explore a comprehensive collection of property listings on Zoopla to analyze UK real estate trends.
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Example Output

Below is an overview of the various public data points that can be scraped. Our tool is capable of capturing every data point available on a public web page.
  • Property URL: The link to the property's page.
  • Property Type: Indicates if the property is for sale or rent.
  • Property Title: The title of the property listing.
  • Address: The address of the property.
  • Google Map Location: The static map link showing the property's location.
  • Virtual Tour: Link to a virtual tour of the property.
  • Street View: Link to the Google Street View of the property.
  • URL Property: The URL of the property listing.
  • Currency: The currency used for the price.
  • Deposit: Information about the required deposit.
  • Letting Arrangements: Information about letting arrangements.
  • Breadcrumbs: Navigation links showing the property's category path.
  • Availability: The availability date of the property.
  • Commonhold Details: Information about commonhold details.
  • Service Charge: The annual service charge for the property.
  • Ground Rent: Information about the ground rent.
  • Time Remaining on Lease: The remaining time on the lease.
  • EPC Rating: The energy performance certificate rating.
  • Council Tax Band: The council tax band for the property.
  • Price per Size: The price per size unit of the property.
  • Tenure: The tenure type of the property (e.g., leasehold).
  • Tags: Tags associated with the property (e.g., retirement, leasehold).
  • Features: Key features of the property (e.g., ground floor, refurbished).
  • Property Images: Links to images of the property.
  • Additional Links: Additional links related to the property.
  • Listing History: Historical listing events such as first listed and last sold with dates and prices.
  • Agent Details: Information about the listing agent including logo, name, and phone number.
  • Points of Interest: Nearby points of interest with distances.
  • Bedrooms: Number of bedrooms in the property.
  • Price: The sale price of the property.
  • Bathrooms: Number of bathrooms in the property.
  • Receptions: Number of reception rooms in the property.
  • Country Code: The country code of the property location.
  • Energy Performance Certificate: Link to the energy performance certificate.
  • Floor Plans: Links to floor plans of the property.
  • Description: Detailed description of the property.
  • Price per Time: The price per time unit.
  • Property Size: The size of the property.
  • Market Stats Last 12 Months: Market statistics for the last 12 months including average estimated price, average sale price, and number of properties sold.
  • Market Stats Rental Opportunities: Rental opportunities with price per month.
  • Market Stats Recent Sales Nearby: Recent sales of nearby properties with addresses, dates, and prices.
  • Market Stats Rental Activity: Information about rental activity.
  • UPRN: The unique property reference number.
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