Scrape Zillow Listings with Input Filters for Free
In only three steps:
1. Specify Target URL
2. Click on Download
3. Data available in JSON, CSV, or EXCEL.
Use custom filters to retrieve specific Zillow listings for targeted real estate analysis.
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Example Output

Below is an overview of the various public data points that can be scraped. Our tool is capable of capturing every data point available on a public web page.
  • Property Name: Address of the property
  • Price Details: Information about the price, zestimate, and rent zestimate
  • Images: URLs to property images
  • Description: Overview of the property and its features
  • Category: Type of property (e.g., SINGLE_FAMILY)
  • Availability: Status such as RECENTLY_SOLD
  • Reviews: Historical sale events
  • Ratings: School ratings in the area
  • Seller Information: Name of the brokerage
  • Location: City, state, street address, and coordinates
  • Guest Capacity: Number of bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Description Items: Specific features and amenities
  • Category Ratings: Ratings for nearby schools
  • House Rules: Any specific rules or restrictions
  • Details: Living area, lot size, and year built
  • Highlights: Unique selling points of the property
  • Amenities: List of included amenities
  • Available Dates: Date the property was sold
  • URL: Link to the property listing
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