Scrape LinkedIn People Profiles for Free
In only three steps:
1. Specify Target URL
2. Click on Download
3. Data available in JSON, CSV, or EXCEL.
Access public profile information for recruitment and networking.
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Example Output

Below is an overview of the various public data points that can be scraped. Our tool is capable of capturing every data point available on a public web page.
  • LinkedIn ID: Unique identifier for the LinkedIn profile
  • Name: Full name of the individual
  • Country Code: Country code representing the individual's location
  • Position: Current job position (if available)
  • City: City and state of the individual
  • Current Company: Information about the current company
  • About: Brief professional summary of the individual
  • Posts: List of posts made by the individual
  • Experience: Work experience details
  • URL: Direct link to the LinkedIn profile
  • People Also Viewed: List of other profiles viewed by people
  • Education Details: Information about educational background
  • Recommendations Count: Number of recommendations received
  • Avatar: URL of the profile picture
  • Languages: Languages spoken by the individual
  • Certifications: List of certifications achieved
  • Recommendations: Recommendations provided by others
  • Volunteer Experience: Volunteer work details
  • Courses: List of courses completed
  • Followers: Number of followers
  • Connections: Number of connections
  • Publications: List of publications (if any)
  • Patents: List of patents (if any)
  • Projects: Details of projects undertaken
  • Organizations: Organizations the individual is part of (if any)
  • Input URL: Original URL provided
  • ID: Unique identifier for the profile
  • Activity: Recent activity of the individual
  • LinkedIn Num ID: Numerical ID for the LinkedIn profile
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